WNMU Homecoming Parade

Photo Credit: Jay Hemphill

On Saturday morning, WNMU and Silver City community united to enjoy this year’s Homecoming Parade. The parade started in Downtown Silver City and ended at the end of College Avenue. There were nineteen entries to this year’s parade. There was a contest for the best floats for the following categories: Best Overall (Sweepstakes Award) Best

Mustangs Takeover Falcons in Homecoming Game

HOCO 2019

Mustangs gathered in Ben Altamirano Field on Saturday, October 5, to support their WNMU football team during the Homecoming Game, which was also the first night game for the university. Before the game started at 6:00 p.m., everyone had time to have a good time at the homecoming tailgate right outside Ben Altamirano Field. Students

Student Government holds public meeting, passes bills

ASWNMU Fall 19

The Associated Students of Western New Mexico University held a public meeting on Wednesday, October 2 in the Student Memorial Center. During the meeting, Darlene Chavez, the Student Government President, discussed the retreat Student Government held and how they worked on a unique mission statement that the current ASWNMU members created. ASWNMU Vice-President, Brenda Hernandez,

Students compete in Survey Says during Homecoming Week


Mustangs were shouting answers across Light Hall Theater on Monday as they participated in Survey Says, a Family Feud type-game, the second event for Homecoming Week. Two teams of four, faced each other to try to guess what 100 college students across the nation said when they were surveyed. The crowd was very interactive, screaming

Students with Power: Register for ASWNMU Elections


Students who believe in the power of the voice of the students and want to make positive changes on campus should consider running for office in this year’s election for an Associated Students of Western New Mexico University student government position. ASWNMU represents the students’ interests, safeguards academic freedom and student rights, provides campus events

Great Race 52 Preview: Featuring LeShauntai Adams

great race 52

Great Race is one of Western’s greatest traditions and this will be Western’s fifty-second Great Race. Great Race brings amazing vibes to many of the students on campus throughout the week. Students have the opportunity to make their own team and participate in fun events during the week with their team. The week also includes