Brenda Hernandez

An interview with newly elected ASWNMU President Brenda Hernandez

Brenda Hernandez was born in Toluca, Mexico, and raised in San Diego, California. Hernandez is currently a senior majoring in Kinesiology with a minor in Marketing. She was recruited in 2016 to run for theMustang Cross-Country Team. In her college experience, she has been active with ASWNMU, Ethics Club, Rotary Club, Marketing, and St. Francis Newman’s Club. Being a student-athlete has taught her many different things like time managing, organization, the importance of rest, taking care of your body, and primarily the relationships you develop with the students. Hernandez has also been an active member of her team by doing community service that includes picking up trash in some regions of Silver City, participating in high school events, and much more. Brenda Hernandez

The Mustang Newspaper had the opportunity to interview Brenda Hernandez to get to know her better and have a better perspective as to what the next ASWNMU President wants to accomplish at WNMU.

Q: How does it feel to have been elected president for 2020-2021?

A: I think there are no specific words that can express what it feels to have won the presidential candidacy. However, it doesn’t take away the fact that I feel honored and excited to be part of this great process. The feeling is a high degree of responsibility in my hands. As a president, you’re not only advocating for students; but you are aware of needs, difficulties, and ensuring that students are satisfied with the process and changes.

Brenda Hernandez
Brenda Hernandez

Q: What are some things you hope to accomplish in the upcoming school year?

A: Throughout the four years of my college experience here at Western, I have seen a decrease in unity and the lack of student involvement—also, the disconnection of the administration and student community. If we turn things around and strengthen our weakest areas, changes will gradually occur. The more active and engaged students are with college, faculty, staff, with one main goal of graduating, the more likely they will persist in their college studies to achieve educational excellence. 

Q: In a box of crayons, which color would you be and why?

A: Many of my peers would know the answer to this question! But if I were a color in a box of crayons, I would be pink :) I have never changed my color; as far as I remember, pink has always been my favorite. I feel that pink represents three things I like to embrace: compassion, nurture, and understanding. 

Brenda Hernandez

Q: From your point of view, what is your role as ASWNMU president?

A: Working on maintaining the motivation, commitment, and hard work within our ASWNMU team. Encouraging them to keep a one-on-one connection, the best leaders connect with those they lead. My goal is to keep my team under the qualities of work ethic, competence, honesty, and courage. I do not want to talk to them but instead, walk and run with them.

Brenda Hernandez

Q: How are you planning to get ASWNMU members more involved in on-campus events?

A: I want to make the team full of leaders using collaborative rather than a hierarchical concept. In a hierarchical model, one individual is leading an entire team and project. However, a cooperative structure keeps every member of their leadership role in current or future projects. Being ASWNMU representatives and students will evolve into consideration that one main goal is to increase student involvement. Therefore, the participation of the team will be essential to raise both awareness and participation. 

Brenda Hernandez

Q: What fictional place would you like to visit, and why?

A: Fictional place I would visit is Pandora, the world in Avatar. I think it is full of amazing things that would make me happy. Running in beautiful areas, interacting with nature, and best of all flying on those large birds natives to Pandora. 

Q: What makes WNMU special to you?

A: WNMU is special to me because it welcomed me since the beginning and added wonderful moments to the memory box. Not only that, but I have also transitioned into a better person. I see this campus as my family, and this is why I ran for this position. Not only do I want to see positive changes occurring, but I also want to keep my Mustangs united and robust even through difficult times.image4image5 image6 image0image7

Post Written by

Elizabeth Guevara is majoring in Early Childhood Education. As a writer, she is pursuing to obtain educational, entertaining, and WNMU spirited articles for students to read!