
Student Wellness: Love Yourself

Valentine’s Day is coming, which means that, as cliched as it sounds, love is in the air! While the holiday is usually associated with couples spending time together, we should all remember that love isn’t limited in only the romantic sense. We should all take the time to love not only our significant others, but also our friends, family, teammates, and all the others whom we appreciate in our lives. But the one person we often forget to love is ourself.

As mentioned earlier, Valentines Day is often associated with couples, either married or otherwise. For those who are unattached, this time of year can often leave them feeling alone, which can have a very negative impact on a person’s self-esteem, or even their self-worth. The important thing to remember is that, it’s really just another day and not to let these feelings become overwhelming. Rather than spending this time feeling down, use it to instead appreciate and “love” yourself. Self-care is an important part of our development as individuals, and we all need to create some time during the day to make that happen.

So this Valentine’s Day, buy yourself some flowers or some chocolates, take a warm bubble bath or even, go on a spa day. You could also head to the movies, read a book, take a hike, or just take a minute to breathe. We all know how important self care is, and often we put ourselves last on the list of people to care for. So take some time this Valentine’s Day to appreciate and care for yourself. We do things for others when we appreciate them, so why not do the same for ourselves?

If you are planning on spoiling someone this Valentine’s Day, hopefully it is someone who supports you in every aspect of your life. We all deserve to be with someone who loves us just as much as we love them. A healthy relationship is one with respect, communication, honesty, selflessness, patience, and loyalty. A healthy relationship consists of two individuals who have their own thoughts, ideas, careers, and independence, who come together because they simply love one another.

Sometimes when we get into a relationship, we can forget who we are, and conform to becoming someone the other person wants us to be. Don’t ever compromise yourself for someone who does not appreciate your mind. Being in a healthy, loving relationship is just one more way to love yourself.

Below is a quiz that will test your skills so you can learn about the differences between a healthy and unhealthy relationship. Click on the link below to test your skills.

2015-12-28-Warning Signs Cross word & answer key

Additional Writing by Eric Lowe

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