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Mustang Newspaper to Stop Publishing Fake News

Silver City, NM- Earlier today, The Mustang editorial staff, (you know, that one guy) announced that the student publication would begin the practice of publishing fake news. After many angry phone calls, death threats and one concerned email, the editor has come forward with a statement.

“I never said any of that,” Mustang editor Eric Lowe said. Even after being presented with evidence to the contrary, Lowe maintained that he never said anything about publishing fake news.

Some are theorizing that this momentary lapse of good judgement and subsequent memory loss could be attributed to a head injury Lowe sustained during Women’s History Month, though the editor claims that he has no recollection of that either.

Starting April 2, 2017, The Mustang will be back to publishing regular articles, including news that effects students, cultural events happening around campus, and more. We’d also like to thank the irreplaceable Bre Aker, Dylan Kester, Linzy Granger, Jazmin Hernandez, Karina Marin, Brian Kotz, Arlean and Juan Pablo Murillo, Rhonda McCall, and Isaac Brundage for their good humor and participation in today’s release.


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