Delta Mu Delta (DMD) is an international honor society of business administration, founded in 1913. The Delta MU Delta brochure states, “DMD stands for the Greek phrase Dia Matheseos Dynamis, or Through Knowledge, Power. Our goal is to support people who can manage creativity for social and economic good using the power created by what they have learned.”
The officers in the club induct future members. There requirements include a student having to be in their Junior or Senior year, maintaining a GPA of 3.5 or higher, and having a placement in the top twenty percent of the class. The club has 33 current students as members. The Delta Mu Delta president is Kelli McGhiey. The Vice President position is taken by Amanda Moffett, and the treasurer is Benjamin Kennedy.
DMD members have access to scholarships with more than $60,000 available according to the organization’s brochure. Kayla Henry, a WNMU student, was awarded a scholarship for this school year.
The Mustang Staff met with President Kelli McGhiey to learn more about how Delta Mu Delta is active at WNMU.
Q: What is the purpose of your club?
A: We give recognition for academic achievement and try furthering networking opportunities for people who are majoring in business. We are trying to prepare the graduates for business related jobs
Q: Do you have any future events or plans for students?
A: As the new president, I am trying to get younger generations, like freshmen and sophomores involved in our club, even if they aren’t officially members. This would help to have better networking opportunities and benefit the students to get involved with business and administration. We don’t have any events that are set. However, we have our induction ceremony on December 4. We will be inducting 12 people. We have “Guest Lecture Series” events which are business professional speakers who bring in interesting topics to present to students. In October, we had very interesting speakers, where they talked about using neuroscience and marketing together. We invited them to WNMU, and they came from a Mexican university by the name of Universidad Autónoma de Chihuahua. They brought some students as well and they got to tour the campus and the School of Business. The students were business majors and got to see what the School of Business does. We worked on a partnership and it was pretty cool. A lot of the events we do are communicated through flyers or social media. We are planning on doing a “Financial Literacy Week.” It is still in the works, but we want to get a variety of speakers to come in to talk about financial planning, investment, retirement, and related topics.
Q: What was the “Give a Little, Get a Little” event?
A: It was a cookout event to benefit Grant County families partnering with The Commons: Center for Food Security and Sustainability, and it was open to all WNMU students. We also incorporated a food drive. We asked people to bring in canned goods or Thanksgiving related foods. All the food was donated to The Commons. DMD had also collected food prior to the event. We asked the community for donations as well. We stood outside of Walmart asking for donations. We wanted to include the community to our club.
For more information and to learn how to get involved, contact Delta Mu Delta at