St. Francis Newman’s Club is a student-led Catholic club. The purpose of this club is to obtain engagement with students and community together. They want to be able to help those students who are in doubt or who want to be closer to God, and to have a better understanding on how the religion relates to them as millennials. Brenda Hernandez is the president of this club. The vice president position is taken by Alejandra Estrada, secretary is Aja Sanchez, and treasurer is Dorian Carrasco.
The club has hosted a few events this semester. They had karaoke night on October 30, where students got together to eat dinner and had fun singing their favorite songs. They participated in the Student Life Fall Fest, where they hosted a donut eating stand. They are planning a religious retreat for students next semester.
“We do fun activities that incorporate Bible verses and we try to relate them to what students are going through in their college experience and life. We try to get them to know God and to guide them through their path,” said President Brenda Hernandez.
Erick Arámbula, WNMU cross country member, said, “It has been an amazing experience. I really enjoy attending the meetings because it helps me step away from schoolwork and I also have time to thank God. They have had some good activities like painting, karaoke, and making bracelets.”
The St. Francis Newman’s Club meets every Wednesday at 6:30 p.m. at the Global Resource Center. They provide food for students who attend the meetings. For more information, contact Alejandra Estrada at