Adrianna Odogui

Future pediatric oncologist ready to help the world

Adrianna Odogui is graduating this December with a bachelor of science degree in nursing. She is originally from Wickenburg, AZ and came to WNMU as a transfer student from a community college. She chose Western New Mexico University because she loved the artsy and unique town of Silver City. Odogui appreciates the ability that WNMU provides her to have close relationships with all of her professors. 

Odogui chose to major in nursing having a lifetime passion for the medical field due to her experience of regularly going in and out of hospitals. She has developed a love for pediatrics throughout her life and her goal is to work in the field. In addition, in Odogui’s experience in the School of Nursing, she discovered a new passion for oncology – the study and treatment of cancer. Odogui is looking forward to her future career in pediatric oncology.


Q: What was the most challenging moment of your academic journey? 

A: Nursing is super hard in general and it takes up a lot of your time. I was also working at the Little Toad Creek and as a tutor so that took up more of my time. It was hard. Sometimes it was really hard, and I would have trouble even catching my breath, it was so much. I would just try to stay positive and good time management skills. Having a good close group of people, like a support group. I was very fortunate to be able to find a good support group here. Being positive is the main way, always looking on the bright side. 

Adrianna and her support group.
Adrianna and her support group.

Q: Who was that person or group of people that always kept you on track? 

A: When I got into the nursing program, I met these other five girls that were studying with me and we would talk all the time. Those five girls are my support groups, we all keep each other together on the right path. 

School of Nursing group
School of Nursing group

Q: Now that you will graduate what are you plans for the future? Will you continue with your education or will you begin working?  

A:  I will be going into the workforce as soon as I get out of school. I want to work at Phoenix Children’s Hospital. I have been talking with them back and forth since I really look forward to work in pediatric oncology. El Paso is another option available for me to work in pediatric oncology. So far, I have only had experience with oncology and this would be my first experience with pediatric oncology which has a much higher difficulty. I am looking forward to work for around two years in order to get experience in the field. After getting that experience I would like to return to school to become a pediatric nurse practitioner. 

Q: Any tips for the new students who have just started their college career?

A: I recommend that students develop good time management skills. Prioritizing is key, learn to prioritize correctly. Most importantly surround yourself with people who want to do good in school, these people will push you to do better. If you surround yourself with people that are passionate about their degree, they will help you stay on track. Also, a good relationship with professors will be beneficial for you.


Q: How was your overall experience at WNMU? Did you participate in school events?

A: During my first semester I would only stay at my dorm since I did not know anyone. Being an introvert did not help me step outside of my shell. Dr. Jeffrey Hill, Chair of the Natural Sciences Department, asked me to become a tutor for his Anatomy and Physiology courses. I took his offer since it was out of my comfort zone. To grow, one has to go out of her comfort zone. As a result of working as a tutor, I began to grow outside of my comfort zone, I began meeting and talking to more people. I also began working at the Little Toad Creek located in Silver City Downtown. The Toad took me out of my comfort zone even more. These experiences have benefited me even more than I thought since they will help me when I am a nurse.  

Odogui will be walking across the graduation stage on Friday, December 13 at 2:00 p.m. in the Fine Arts Center Theater. 


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Luis Chavez is from Douglas, Arizona. Chavez, is a Science Education major. Chavez loves to eat ceeal and play videogames. You can reach him at