Thursday October 20th, 2016
I. THE ASWNMU open meeting was held in the Miller Library on the campus of Western New Mexico University on Thursday October 20th, 2016. Dylan Kester, ASWNMU Vice President, called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m.
II.Opening Ceremonies
III. Roll call: Executive Officers present:
President – Claudia Osuna
Vice President – Dylan Kester
Attorney General- Harry Wetton
Government Affairs Director – Asia Marie Garcia
Executive Secretary – Breanna Aker
Treasurer – Timothy Stillman
Senators Present:
Senate Pro Temp-Annely Heinze
Senate Floor Leader -Gemma Goodland
Senate Secretary – Linzy Granger
Sky Klaus
Mariangela Garcia
Ross White
Sheila Menezes
Kaitlyn Ellis
Shannon Rich
Brandon Woods
IV. Approval of Agenda
Amendments to the Agenda needed to be made. We received additional paperwork before public meeting.
- 1st amendment is Senate Bill 34 – (Original)Approval of matching funds not to exceed $200.50 for Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Sponsored by Senator Woods Senator Goodland.
(Amendment) Approval of matching funds not to exceed $247.83.
- 2nd amendment is Senate Bill 37 – (Original) Allocation of funds not to exceed $70.00 for open house snacks. Sponsored by Senator Menezes and Senator White.
(Amendment) Allocations of funds not to exceed $70 for the Early Childhood Program’s Open House.
- 3rd amendment is Senate Bill 38 – (Original) Approval of matching funds not to exceed $200.50 for Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Sponsored by Senator Heinze and Senator Granger.
(Amendment) Matching funds not to exceed $150.00 for the Outdoor Program.
Approval of Agenda was moved to approve by Senator Ellis and seconded by Senator Heinze.
V. Approval of Agenda passed with no objections.
VI. Approval of Minutes: Senator Ellis moved to approve the minutes. The move was seconded by Senator Goodland. Minutes were approved with no objections.
VII. Executive Council Reports:
- President Osuna has been working on the website and it is finally where she wants it to be. All of our final reports are in there, the students fee is in there as well with an explanation, she has been to the committee meetings on campus and they seem to be working on the 5% cut. We are also in the negative for the matching funds account and we are going to work on a fundraiser to get funds. This will happen in the next week or the next month. We are having a meeting with the fee committee to go over the parking reports.
- Vice President Kester has been doing his office hours as normal and has been working with problems that has come up. The GRC has not been open on the weekend and we are working on that. We have been checking on our senators and everyone has been in their district hours.
- Attorney General Harry me with the Constitution committee They met on Tuesday last week, which he will talk about later. He checked over the bills and they were a lot better this week.
- Government Affairs Director Garcia talks about lobbying. Her and President Osuna meet with Dr. Shepard and discussed getting lights on the Football field to increase the student life. She emailed all the senators and only got one reply back as to why you would want to go lobbying with us.
- Executive Secretary Aker states next week Senator Granger and her will be going on a clerkship for Occupational Therapy and she has been making up some hours.
- Treasurer Stillman talks about the matching funds account. He mentions bill number 30 for the History Club not to exceed $22.00, bill number 31 matching funds for the SOTA club not to exceed $399.69, bill 32 for Search and Rescue not to exceed $115, bill number 33 for the Criminal justice club not to exceed $347.00, bill number 34 not to exceed $247.83, bill number 38 for the Outdoor Program not to exceed $150.00. He then moves up to the student government fund. Bill number 35 is a microwave for schoool of nursing not to exceed $60, bill number 36 for the event they are hosting not to exceed $70, bill number 37 for the open house not to exceed $50. Our current fund is $16,608. 49. Once these bills pass we will have estimate of $9, 755.31. We have a fund balance for Lobbying account and the total is $31,456.55. Moving to matching funds we have a projected total of -$213.72. If they pass he will call a special meeting with the business office to allocate money to pass these bills. Until all further notice there will be a hold on all matching funds. They will be postponed. We will figure out a fundraiser.
VIII. District Reports
- Senator Heinze states she is going to pass 2 bills for her district today. She wants to thank the people for Early Childhood for always coming and supporting us.
- Senator Granger will be not be in her office hours this week because she is going to a clerkship in Phoenix for the OTA program.
- Senator White spoke to professors and some of them were talking about using some of the money they have for a trip/conference they want to go to. He is waiting for them to get back to him.
IX. Committee Reports
- Attorney General Wetton is talking about making amendments to the Constitution. They have a very productive meeting about the changes they want to make. It is a very long process.
- Executive Secretary Aker met with the Honors program and they want ideas of how to get more out there.
- Senator Rich is chair of the Graduation committee and they had a meeting yesterday. They are talking about a possible graduation meeting at Little Toad Creek. They sent them an email to see how much that would cost.
X. Old Business –
No old business
XI. New Business
- Senate Bill 30 – Approval of matching funds not to exceed $22.00 for History Club. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Rich and seconded Senator Menezes. This club did a cookie fundraiser and sold them for a quarter a cookie.
- Senate Bill 31 – Approval of matching funds not to exceed $399.67 for Student Occupational Therapy Assistants Club. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Henize and seconded Senator Goodland. They having been doing a lot of bake sales and selling popsicles and this money will help them get to their OTA certification license.
- Senate Bill 32 – Approval of matching funds not to exceed $115.00 for Mustang Search and Rescue. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Goodland and seconded Senator Ellis.
- Senate Bill 33 – Approval of matching funds not to exceed $347.00 for Criminal Justice Club. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Garcia and seconded Senator White.
- Senate Bill 34 – (Original)Approval of matching funds not to exceed $200.50 for Student Athlete Advisory Committee. (Amendment) Approval of matching funds not to exceed $247.83 The Bill was moved to approve by Senator Woods and seconded Senator Goodland. This is money that the club has raised in the first half of Football and Volleyball games and they give 50 percent of the money when they pull someone ticket.
- Senate Bill 35 – Allocation of funds not to exceed $60.00 to purchase microwave for the School of Nursing. Sponsored by Senator Ellis and Senator Granger. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Ellis and seconded Senator Granger. The nursing department wanted to put in their study area.
- Senate Bill 36 – Allocation of funds not to exceed $70.00 for the Early Childhood Programs Annual Spooktacular Event. Sponsored by Senator Klaus and Senator Heinze. Student government is going to have a booth. 11-1 Saturday 29th in the Graham Gym. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Klaus and seconded Senator Heinze. On October 29 there is an event where they have books, candy, and games for the children to play. It’s for 11:00 to 1:00 on the 29th in the Graham Gym. This is the club that’s hosting the event.
- Senate Bill 37 – (Original) Allocation of funds not to exceed $70.00 for open house snacks. (Amendment) Allocations of funds not to exceed $70.00 for Early Childhood Program’s Open House. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Menezes and seconded Senator White. Next week on Wednesday the 26th from 5:00 to 6:00 there is going to be an Open House where they will be hosting the popcorn for everyone.
- 9. Senate Bill 38 – (Original) Approval of matching funds not to exceed $200.50 for Student Athlete Advisory Committee. Sponsored by Senator Heinze and Senator Granger. (Amendment) Matching funds not to exceed $150.00 for Outdoor Program. The bill was moved to approve by Senator Heinze and seconded Senator Granger.
All bills were passed with no objections by the Senators.
XII Announcements –
- Anite Garudo teaches in the school of nursing, She wants to help everyone get fit and eat better. She would like to get students more fit and is looking for people to be on the committee. She handed up a sign up to email people about things that are going to be happening. She is on the Health and Wellness Commitee eat fit, they are going to meet once monthly.
- President Osuna mentions that in the UPC meeting Dr. Shepard mentions retention with students on campus and how will it benefit our revenues. Treasurer Stillman and President Osuna came up with making a survey and have people fill it out in the classroom.
- Michael from the music department in the crowd talks about the music program and they will be hosting a Haunted House on October 31st and is $3 and will be at 8:00pm to 1:00am in the Prodi building. He does not know if there is an age limit. music will host a haunted house at the school, Prodi building. President Osuna talks about supporting this with student government funds.
- President Osuna states there will be another meeting today in the chambers.
XII. Adjournment of meeting
This meeting was adjourned at 8:53am motioned by Senator Ellis and Senator Woods seconded the motion.