Silver Ciy, NM- A safe haven can be important for those who feel that they are weighed down by society’s pessimism. They are places where a vast amount of people help deal with their similar situations, thoughts, and feelings through support and expression. PFLAG offers that opportunity for individuals who identify as gay, lesbian, transgender, and queer, as well as their families and allies. PFLAG was founded in 1972 and is one of the largest organizations in the U.S. that provides support for LGBTQ Americans, and the Center for Gender Equity hosted a panel on October 9th to bring awareness to the organization and asylum.
The panel involved six allies and members of the Silver City community who gathered and shared their personal stories. Member of the Center and moderator for the panel, Gabriel Atencio asked thought-provoking questions for the panelists that filled the air with positivity and inspiring messages by the guests’ quotes and stories.
When asked about what advice to give for parents having a queer child, couple Ruth and Homer Hamby respond with obliterating ignorance.
“Education was really important for us,” quotes Homer Hambly, “we bought about six to eight books.”
Panelist Zachary Serowik expressed his comfort upon finding others who shared his struggle within the community.
“It made me comfortable having people in their late 20’s coming out” quoted Serowik.
Finally, before the panel could conclude, there was some audience interaction with the use of a Q&A, which introduced more stories and resources to share with the crowd. Once the presentation was complete, the guests and the attendees enjoyed some dinner brought by the Little Toad Creek Brewery & Distillery.
PFLAG focuses on bringing comfort and attention for queers of any age and race and bring out the idea that they’re not alone in this.
“If it was a phase, it would of had stopped,” quotes panelist Amy Kennedy, “love them no matter what.”