
ASWNMU Public Meeting Minutes for October 6, 2016



October 6, 2016
I THE ASWNMU open meeting was held in the Miller Library on the campus of Western New Mexico University on Thursday, October 6, 2016. Dylan Kester, ASWNMU Vice President, called the meeting to order at 8:30 a.m.

II. Opening Ceremonies

III. Roll call: Executive Officers present:

President – Claudia Osuna

Vice President – Dylan Kester

Attorney General- Harry Wetton

Government Affairs Director – Asia Marie Garcia

Executive Secretary – Breanna Aker

Treasurer – Timothy Stillman

Senators Present:

Senate Pro Temp -Annely Heinze

Senate Floor Leader -Gemma Goodland

Senate Secretary – Linzy Granger

Sky Klaus

Mariangela Garcia

Ross White

Sheila Menezes

Kaitlyn Ellis

Shannon Rich

Brandon Woods- ABSENT
IV. Approval of Agenda moved to approve by Senator Ellis and seconded by Senator Goodland.

V. Approval of Agenda passed with no objections.

VI. Approval of Minutes: Senator Ellis moved to approve the minutes. The move was seconded by Senator Garcia. Minutes were approved with no objections.

VII. Executive Council Reports:

  1. President Osuna has been working on organizing the External Committees and she is going to have senators assigned to each committee. They have been talking about how the University’s budget is going to be cut and how each department needs to reduce expenses and we need to be ready for that. President Osuna wanted to thank everyone for participating in the homecoming event.
  2. Vice President Kester has been doing his office hours and has been working on problems around campus. They are complaining about the GRC hours being closed on the weekends. They recently just hired another temp so they should be opening up with more hours. If that doesn’t solve the problem they will come up with other options.
  3. Attorney General Wetton states that there were some issues with the bills and that hasn’t happened in the past. He mentions that if there are any questions on the bills to go and ask him because he is not that scary. Wetton also has constitution meetings set up early next week to see if any changes need to be made.
  4. Government Affairs Director Asia Marie attended the Alumni Association Board meeting last thursday and talked about ideas for the Great Race but they were mainly excited about the golf tournament. Today, President Osuna and Government Affairs Director Asia Marie have a meeting with Dr, Shepard to talk about Lobbying ideas. Backtracking, Treasurer Stillman and Asia were able to attend the Mental Health and First Aid Training.
  5. Executive Secretary Aker states that there float was successful thanks to the Mariachi. She completed her office hours and worked on the inventory.
  6. Treasurer Stillman mentions the ASWNMU Financial Report, the bills passed last meeting have been calculated. We are working on to get Bill 25, 26, 27, 28, and 29. The totals are at the bottom once the bills do past. Our current balance for the Government fund is $17,410.25. Our balance for the lobbying fund is $31,456.55. Our current fund balance for the matching fund is $1,067.78.

VII. District Reports

  1. Senator Ellis was informed yesterday, when visiting Lordsburg that one of the disability students is not getting the help that they need.
  2. Senator Henize wasn’t here most of last week because of a tennis trip but kept in touch with senators and made up her hours. She has been talking with Elaine and they are having an Open House on the 26th of this month to see what we can help with. The Open house is from  5pm to 6pm.
  3. Senator Granger took pictures for the humanities department during the homecoming games. She will also be passing a bill for the American National Government class on campus.

VIII. Committee Reports

  1. The fees committee will be meeting to go over quarterly reports for anyone who receives a fee last year. We are also working on a new system under the business office so we can get fees to go a little smoother. We are trying to get the fee request earlier so we don’t have to wait for the last minute trying to get everything done. President Osuna wants to thank everyone for getting reports in.
  2. Senator Henize is in charge of the activities committee and we meet yesterday. We were suppose to set it up friday but the material got lost. We will be scheduling for each member of the committee to set up events that will be happening each week.
  3. Senator Ellis is the chair of safety and accessibility committee. They will have a meeting at 2 today.
  4. Vice President Kester is the chair of the clubs committee and they are going to be meeting today at 3:30 to go over how homecoming went and some club policies to make changes to the constitution.

IX. Old Business –

X. No old business

  1.   New Business
  • Senate Bill 25-  Approval of matching funds not to exceed $131.00 for Student Athletic Advisory Committee. Senator Ellis moved to approved the bill and was seconded by Senator White.
  • Senate Bill 26- The following clubs will be re-recognized as an ASWNMU club within the purview of the Associated Students of Western New Mexico University.
  1. Native American Club
  2. Student Nurse Association
  3. Psychology Club

Senator Granger moved to approved the bill and was seconded by Senator Menezes. The Bill passed. All three of the clubs has turned in all their bills. They raised this money during the first first football game selling 50/50.

  • Senate Bill 27- Allocation of funds not to exceed $70.00 for Mental Health First Aid training.

Senator Garcia moved to approved the bill and was seconded by Senator Menezes. Treasurer Stillman mentioned it was a great training and it was a good wake up call and wants to set up a meeting with Senate to discuss what was learned.

  • Senate Bill 28- Allocation of funds not to exceed $250.00 for ASWNMU flyer. Senator Garcia moved to approved the bill and was seconded by Senator Heinze. During the summer the team worked on a flyer and explained what we do and what we are. It includes the services we offer and the student fees. We are going to be passing around the flyer around campus.
  • Senate Bill 29-  Allocation of funds not to exceed $200.00 for American National Government Service Learning Project. Senator White moved to approved the bill and was seconded by Senator Garcia. Senator Granger states this is for Dr. Evans Service learning project for her American National Government class and its October 27th and 7:00 pm in the library. It is mainly to help students gain knowledge about voting and the presidential election of 2016.

All bills were passed with no objections by the Senators.

  1.  Announcements –
  1. Dr. Evans just wanted to say thank you for approving the bill and it is all for the students and help get students excited and they will get flyers out soon.
  2. Senator White just wanted to mention the Golf Course is free and make use of it.
  3. There will be a meeting in the chambers after the meeting.
  4. A suggestion from the audience wanted to mention that we advertise more the fact that public meeting is broadcast on the internet, so that other campuses are able to access it. More emails will be sent out. We will go ahead on work on that for the students.

XII. Adjournment of meeting

This meeting was adjourned at 8:50am  motioned by Senator Ellis and Senator Goodland seconded the motion.

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