
ASWNMU Public Meeting Minutes For September 22, 2016



September 22, 2016
I. THE ASWNMU open meeting was held in the Miller Library on the campus of Western New Mexico University on Thursday, September 8, 2016. Dylan Kester, ASWNMU Vice President, called the meeting to order at 8:32 a.m.

II. Opening Ceremonies

III. Roll call: Executive Officers present:

President – Claudia Osuna

Vice President – Dylan Kester

Attorney General- Harry Wetton

Government Affairs Director – Asia Marie Garcia

Executive Secretary – Breanna Aker

Treasurer – Timothy Stillman

Senators Present:

Senate Pro Temp-Annely Heinze

Senate Floor Leader -Gemma Goodland

Senate Secretary – Linzy Granger

Sky Klaus

Mariangela Garcia

Ross White

Sheila Menezes

Brandon Woods

Kaitlyn Ellis

Shannon Rich

IV. Approval of Agenda was moved to approve by Senator Heinze and seconded by Senator Goodland.
V.  Approval of Agenda passed with no objections.

VI. Approval of Minutes: Senator Heinze moved to approve the minutes. The move was seconded by Senator Garcia. Minutes were approved with no objections.

VII. Executive Council Reports:

  1. President Osuna is partnering up with the library for the National Board of Registration Day this Tuesday. Donuts, games, and a Photo Booth will be there. The fees committee met with the business office last week and talked about the student fees. We are going to ask for them sooner to be organized in the coming year. They have to be approved by Dr. Shepard and if he does we are ready for this plan of action. President Osuna  will miss one day next week. The Governor of New Mexico Susana Martinez came to the University yesterday and it was a pleasure to meet her.
  2. Vice President Kester is working with club committees, and has been out of the week with a cold.
  3. Attorney General Wetton checked over the bills and made sure everything was on the OneDrive and has been making some changes to the Constitution and will continue making changes.
  4. Executive Secretary Aker continued to work on her office hours. We have been working to find Rawhide.
  5. Government Affairs Director Garcia stated that her meeting with Dr. Shepard got canceled and if anyone has any Lobbying ideas, to stop by the Government office. We are looking to send 3 student government members to the LA conference on November 12th.
  6. Treasurer Stillman added last meetings bills and this meetings bills financial report. The Financial report states all the expenses that will be passed and will leave us with $11,251.46 in our account. If you were to check banner it would should $18,366.31. The lobbying fund account and matching fund account was added to the financial report.

VIII. District Reports

  1. Senator Ellis spoke for District 10. She visited the Lordsburg campus and T or C campus. She hosted a pizza party for the Deming campus. She voiced her concerns to President Osuna. She wants to get the ideas from extended campuses more involved.
  2. Senator Heinze states yesterday the early childhood club had a meeting and she is going to meet with the President today to talk about her district. On October 12th there is an Open House.
  3. Senator Woods talk to Mrs. Harrison and said everything is going smoothly in Gallup. They are in the same location but they are sharing a building with the charter school. Zoom technology has been installed and the students love it.

IX. Committee Reports

  1. Senator Goodland states she had a student research meeting with about the research committee and they are looking for someone to work for them. They approved 3 research proposals. There is a position available, paying $800 a semester.
  2. Senator White said he is going to work on Student discounts and is waiting for the restaurants to email them back. He wants to make better deals for the students.
  3. Secretary Aker states they met for the elections committee and the elections are going to be earlier in the spring so they can have more guidance.
  4. Treasurer Stillman is the chair of clubs committee and separated the clubs with different representative leaders. Vice President Kester, Senator Menezes and Senator Klaus will be representatives.

X. Old Business

No old business

XI. New Business

  • Senate Bill 18- The following clubs will be re-recognized as an ASWNMU club within the purview of the Associated Students of Western New Mexico University. The SOTA Club, Anonymous Otaku, and Kappa Delta Pi. They will be given a $100 start up fee. Senator Heinze moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Garcia. Senate Bill 18 passes.
  • Senate Bill 19- Allocation of funds not to exceed $150.00 for registration day welcome event.  Senator Goodland moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Garcia.Senate Bill 19 Passes.
  • Senate Bill 20- Allocation of funds not to exceed $300.00 for ASWNMU Homecoming float.The homecoming parade we are going to have a float and that is what the bill is going to go to.  Senator Heinze moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Rich. Senate Bill 20 passes.
  • Senate Bill 21- Allocation of funds not to exceed $100.00 for homecoming float for District 4. Sponsors: Senator Menezes and Senator Garcia. Senator Heinze moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Garcia. Passes
  • Senate Bill 22- Allocation of funds not to exceed $2,500.00 for Mustang Entertainment Scholarships. Motivating the Mustang Entertainment and they have a constitution. Senator Woods did not approve, and was opposed to it, and Senator Ellis abstained.  Senator White moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Menezes. Senate Bill 22 Passes.
  • Senate Bill 23- Approval of matching funds not to exceed $324.00 for Delta Mu Delta. The matching funds was for the Delta Mu Delta event that was held at McDonalds. Senator Woods moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Klaus. Senate Bill 23 passes.
  • Senate Bill 24- Allocation of funds not to exceed $800.00 for the Alumni Golf day. The alumni is Hosting the Golf tournament. Senator Woods moved to approve the motion seconded by Senator Heinze. Senate Bill 24 passes.

All bills were passed with no objections by the Senators.
XII.  Announcements –

  1. SOTA Club President just wanted to thank ASWNMU for re-recognizing their club.
  2. Sky Klaus was wished a Happy Birthday by President Osuna.
  3. ASWNMU will have a meeting after this in the chambers.
  4. National Registration Day is this Tuesday. Come out and have fun with us!

XIII. Adjournment of meeting
This meeting was adjourned at 8:52 am  motioned by Senator Ellis and Senator Goodland seconded the motion.

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