Silver City, NM- A collaboration between the School of Business, the departments of Humanities and Interdisciplinary Studies and the Office of Alumni Affairs is bringing a Fall carnival to the students of WNMU on Wednesday, October 25. The carnival is designed to not only give students the opportunity to see what each department offers and potentially declare a major a minor, but also a chance to have some fun, play games and interact with fellow students and faculty members.
Dr. Jenny Coleman of Interdisciplinary Studies stated, “We want to bring something fun to campus for students and provide a venue a for students to learn about different majors.” She also expressed that the first priority of the carnival is for students to have fun and to give back to the campus.
A number of clubs in the area will be participating in the carnival, including the Rotary Club, the Philosophy Club, Sigma Tau Delta, Delta Mu Delta and the Marketing Club. Student Life will also be doing pumpkin carving with the assistance of the Native American Student Organization. Students can also sign up through a major or minor through Snapchat, thanks to a Q R code created by Grecia Rivas Chavez and the Office of Communication.
“These groups of activities represent all that WNMU is about,” Dr. Michael Vicens of the School of Business stated. “Departments coming together to provide the students with opportunities to meet their teachers, advisors, peers and staff.”
Vicens stated that the event was first held last Spring, hosted by the Humanities Department and the School of Business, but now it has grown substantially, with more departments joining in and highlighted the importance of using technology to get students to declare their fields of study early in their college career, thanking the Office of Communications for their assistance. The Associated Students of WNMU and their President, Tim Stillman, also played a crucial role in planning the festivities.
“The support of the WNMU communications office and the Student Government has been key to the success of the event,” Vicens said.
The Office of Alumni Affairs with also be present to assist with the event, bringing graduates of WNMU to the event in order to better inform students on what each major entails and what sort of careers one can achieve by studying that field.
The Fall Carnival will be held this Wednesday in the Hunter Hall parking lot from 2pm to 5pm.