Club Spotlight: Art Club – creativity and imagination at work

Art Club

The Art Club is a club on the move. John Bjornstad is the President of the club, and he has been working for a few semesters to build awareness and membership of the club. He describes as the club as very casual. For meetings, members put tables together and take baked goods to share with

WNMU hosts annual Halloween Walk


On Halloween morning, WNMU staff and students united at the Intramural Gym to host the annual Halloween Walk. Departments of WNMU came and give out candy for the trick or treaters. Community members and the Child Development Center (CDC) also participated. Children, parents, teachers, and staff dressed in their best Halloween costumes.  Adriana Leon, WNMU

Boo! Mustangs Share Favorite Halloween Characters

Halloween 2019

Spook season is here! It is that time of the year where people enjoy scary movies, trick- or- treating, carving pumpkins, haunted houses, and dressing up in the scariest costumes. Halloween can be a night to remember!  In honor of spooky season, students were asked this Halloween related question, “What is your favorite villain or

Registered Student Organizations show their Fall Spirit at Fall Fest

Fall Fest 2019

Student Life hosted a Fall Festival on October 25 in the Life Lounge. Clubs, community, and students got together to be part of the celebration.  The Western Horticulture Club put together a station for everyone to make their own candy apple. They could choose to dip from three different choices: caramel, white chocolate and dark

Music Program’s Annual Haunted House to Feature Venomous Creatures


Are you afraid creepy crawlers? You will be in for a scare if you attend Mozart’s House of Horrors, the annual Haunted House in Parotti Hall. This year’s theme is Venom.  Bryant Chaffino is WNMU’s music program coordinator and director of Mariachi La Plata. Chaffino started working for WNMU six years ago, when he was

Students showcase piping talents in Cupcake Wars

Cupcake Wars

On Monday, October 22, students gathered to compete in Cupcake Wars, hosted by the Department of Student Life. The event was to test students on creativity and their piping skills to decorate a cupcake. There were three rounds where students showed their talents for this competition, which were Color, Theme, and Decoration.  The Color round

Clara Diaz: Camino Hacia la Doble Titulación

Clara Diaz

Clara Díaz es una estudiante originaria de Asturias, España que a sus 24 años está trabajando en conseguir una doble titulación en Educación. Diaz está en WNMU gracias a una colaboración con su universidad. Díaz estaba por aplicar para su Masters cuando se le dio a conocer una oportunidad de doble titulación en WNMU. No