Editorial: What The Lack Of “A-List” Inauguration Performers Says About Our Nation


This is the big day. For some, it’s the dawn of a new era. For others, it’s the beginning of some very dark times. Either way, today is the inauguration of Donald Trump as President of the United States, the leader of the free world. I’ve spoken at length about the 2016 election and the

Editorial: We Wish You A Merry Christmas, And A “Happier” New Year


This is The Mustang‘s 400th article, coming out about a week after our two year anniversary. I really should have timed things better. I’ve mulled over a lot of ideas for this article, first choosing to discuss what made 2016 such a bad year and later deciding to write about the holidays instead. Neither idea

Editorial: Meeting the United States Poet Laureate!


Silver City, NM- It was a big day at Western New Mexico University! Juan Felipe Herrera, the Poet Laureate of the United States, was visiting. As Dr. Jack Crocker had put it, WNMU was now the most literate place in the Southwest, due to his presence. Now, there was a common question that I heard

Guest Editorial: My Experience in Baltimore


Baltimore, MD- As I was dropped off at the airport in El Paso, TX on Wednesday, November 9, it really hit me. I was getting a chance to attend the NCAA Leadership Forum. I was absolutely stoked having the opportunity to travel 2,500 miles to attend the Forum in Baltimore, Maryland. This was a once

Editorial: Will America Recover from the 2016 Election?


Am I the only one that’s tired of this election? I mean it’s been going on for what, ten years now? It definitely feels like it. It makes me wonder how long the winners actual presidency will seem. More importantly, I wonder how the nation will recover after this election. Regardless of who wins, America

Guest Editorial: A Weekend in Mexico


Anna Daggett, Intrepid Mustang Writer and Research Assistant for External Affairs, recently tagged along with Vice President Magdaleno Manzanarez on a trip to Nuevo Casas Grandes, Chihuahua, Mexico. This was Anna’s very first trip outside of the United States. This is a journal she kept, documenting her adventures south of the border. October 7th 12:15

Editorial: Why Small Town Traditions are Important


Cynicism can ruin a lot of things, but it is very important that we don’t allow it to do so. Those of you that live in Silver City may or may not know that this weekend marked the 37th annual Great American Duck Races in Deming, NM, my hometown. This event, not unlike Silver City’s

Guest Editorial: Meet Valeria from UACJ


I recently had the privilege of working as an ESL teacher for the WNMU Language Institute’s Summer 2016 Intensive Reading and Writing course. One of the very first assignments that I gave the nine students that arrived from Universidad Autonoma de Ciudad Juarez was a short personal narrative, written in English. I promised that the best one