Sparky’s Burgers, BBQ and Espresso- A Mustang Non-Review

Me with burger 2

Hatch, New Mexico- the green chili capital of the southwest! When we’d passed through Hatch on our way to Santa Fe, we drove past a small, unassuming building that ASWNMU President Claudia Osuna immediately pointed out. It was “Sparky’s Burgers, BBQ and Espresso,” home to one of USA Today‘s Top Ten Green Chili Burgers in

ASWNMU Public Meeting Minutes for January 31, 2017


ASWNMU PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES January 31, 2017 I. THE ASWNMU open meeting was held in the Miller Library on the campus of Western New Mexico University on Tuesday, September 8, 2016. , ASWNMU Pro Temp, called the meeting to order at 7:01 p.m. II. Opening Ceremonies III. Roll call: Executive Officers present: President – Claudia

WNMU Representatives Meet with State


Santa Fe, NM- The first day of February was deemed “Grant County Day” at the State Capital, with many local business owners and investors, deemed prospectors, traveling to the roundhouse to lobby. Western New Mexico University presented their case to the New Mexico Cabinet Secretary Dr. Barbara Damron as part of the New Mexico Higher

ASWNMU Presents New Technology Plan to the Governor’s Office


Santa Fe, NM- On Wednesday, February 1st, Claudia Osuna and Dylan Kester, the President and Vice President of the Associated Students of Western New Mexico University, met with the New Mexico Governor’s Chief of Staff Keith Gardener to present a plan for new technology at WNMU. The student government are lobbying to secure funding for

Local Artist Remembers John Hurt

Remember John Hurt

Deming, NM- The world lost an icon on Friday, January 27 when acting legend Sir John Hurt passed away. He was widely known for his many versatile roles in The Elephant Man, Alien, Hellboy, Doctor Who: The Day of the Doctor, Spaceballs and the Harry Potter franchise. He was also a featured player in Indiana Jones and the Kingdom of the Crystal

The Road to Super Bowl LI: Atlanta vs New England


Silver City, NM – The New England Patriots and the Atlanta Falcons will look to add a Super Bowl title to their franchise as they compete in Super Bowl LI next Sunday on February 5th. The Patriots in the regular season, finished with the league’s best record, 14-2. The two losses came from the Buffalo

ASWNMU Public Meeting Minutes for January 20, 2017


ASWNMU PUBLIC MEETING Friday, January 20, 2017 I. THE ASWNMU open meeting was held in the Seminar Room 1 on the campus of Western New Mexico University on Friday January 20th, 2017. Dylan Kester, ASWNMU Vice President, called the meeting to order at 6:59 p.m. II. Opening Ceremonies III. Roll call: Executive Officers present: President

WNMU Softball Opens 2017 Season Next Friday


Silver City, N.M. – The Lady Mustangs open up their season on February 3rd as they travel to Las Vegas, Nevada to square off against Humboldt State University with the game beginning at 11:30 a.m. Last season, the Lady Mustang finished with an overall record of 21-34. In the Rocky Mountain Athletic Conference, WNMU landed in