WNMU Welcomes Students to Fall Open House


Silver City, NM- On November 4th, Western New Mexico University hosted their fall open house, where they welcomed a total of 350 guests from Las Cruces, Gallup, Deming, Douglas and Bisbee, 187 of them being high school students and potential Mustangs. Old James Stadium was decorated with balloons and had many booths handing out WNMU

ASWNMU Public Meeting Minutes for 11-3-2017


From Student Government: ASWNMU PUBLIC MEETING MINUTES Friday, November 2, 2017 Miller Library 8:30 am  Call to Order THE ASWNMU open meeting was held in the Miller Library on the campus of Western New Mexico University on November 2, 2017. Annely Heinze, ASWNMU Vice President, called the meeting to order at 8:31 a.m. Opening Ceremony

Celebrating Dia de los Muertos at Miller Library


Silver City, NM- The once quiet and tranquil Miller Library was filled with the rich sounds of Mariachi Plata in commemoration to the Day of the Dead. Dia de los Muertos, in English “day of the dead” is a Mexican tradition held on November 1st used to honor and remember loved ones that have passed

Argentinian Students Immerse Themselves in WNMU Community


Silver City NM- Recently joining the array of students at Western New Mexico University is a small group of individuals from the Universidad Nacional del Nordeste (UNNE) in Corrientes, Argentina. The group, comprised of 8 individuals, arrived mid-October to participate in some fast track programs offered by the University. Departments that the students will study

WNMU Golfers Invited to Play in Professional Tournament


Silver City, NM- Two members of the WNMU golf team, Pedro De La Vega and Gonzalo Pan De Soraluce, have been invited to play at a professional tournament in A Playa Del Carme, Cancun in the amateur leagues. Pedro hails from Toluca, Mexico and has been playing golf since he was thirteen years old. He

The Editor’s Top 10 Halloween Episodes of the 1990s!

Kang and Kodos

One of the main things that comes to my mind whenever Halloween rolls around are the classic Halloween episodes of television series that aired when I was a kid. Halloween episodes were different then, with many carrying a somewhat cheesy tone that perfectly captures the spirit of the season. These days, Halloween episodes come few

WNMU School of Nursing & Allied Health Hosting Sonoran Hot Dog Party

Sonoran Hot Dog

Silver City, NM- The School of Nursing and Allied Health are hosting a Sonoran Hot Dog Party this Tuesday from 12pm -1pm at the Nursing Building. The outreach event will provide an opportunity for students to receive free food, mingle with faculty and staff from the Nursing and Allied Health Departments and visit with students

Enter If You Dare! Music Program Holds Haunted House


Silver City, NM- This Tuesday will be the last time for Mustangs to visit Mozart’s House of Horrors. What was once Parotti Hall, the designated music building for Western New Mexico University students, has now become Mozart’s House of Horrors- a home for cobwebs, spiders and allegedly killer clowns. Visits are being sponsored by the

Writer-In-Residence Snags Another Award


Silver City NM- Western New Mexico University’s Writer-in-residence JJ Wilson is once again making waves at the national level via his first novel Damnificados, which tells of a fictional siege on the Tower of David from both outside agents and the local wealth in Caracas, Venezuela. Since its original publishing date by PM Press in

The Widespread Craze of Stranger Things

Stranger Things

After 8 months of short teasers and anticipated waiting, Stranger Things 2 is finally returning, with more spooks, flickering lights, and plenty of Eggo Waffles. For those late to the party, Stranger Things takes place in the fictional town of Hawkings, Indiana, and tells the story of how one night, a young boy named Will